Fabrication d’un tailloir - Nogent-le-Rotrou
![atelier 2011 tailloir (1)](https://api.cloudly.space/resize/clip/1900/1080/75/aHR0cDovL2NkdDI4Lm1lZGlhLnRvdXJpbnNvZnQuZXUvdXBsb2FkL2F0ZWxpZXItMjAxMS10YWlsbG9pci0tMS0uanBn/image.jpg)
Fabrication d’un tailloir
Discovery accompanied
in Nogent-le-Rotrou
Vaisselles anciennes et d?aujourd?hui" workshop.
Study of the habits and customs surrounding the lord's table in the Middle Ages.
Manufacture of a carving block.
Children aged 6 and over
Registration required
With the château des comtes du perche
Wednesday, November 20 at 2:30pm