From 4 € Full-fare Ferme de l'Aritoire - Cosmétiques MALVA / MALVA Mohair & Tricots / Saveurs MALVA TECHNICAL VISIT L'Aritoire 61110 La Madeleine-Bouvet
Domaine de l'Abbaye PARK AND GARDEN In the historic surroundings of the Abbaye de la Sainte Trinité, these themed gardens invite you on a reflective, sensory voyage through nature. Burst... 284 rue de l'abbaye 28480 Thiron-Gardais
Motte castrale du Châtellier HISTORIC SITE AND MONUMENT Le Châtellier Rémalard 61110 Rémalard en Perche
Tombeau du Duc de Sully HISTORIC SITE AND MONUMENT Behind the church of Notre-Dame de la Nativité, the splendid tomb of the Duc de Sully and his wife Rachel de Cochefilet was sculpted in white marble a... rue de Sully 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou
Eglise Notre Dame et Nativité du XVII° siècle HISTORIC SITE AND MONUMENT This picturesque and somewhat unusual little chapel is home to a set of 80cm-tall terra cotta statues representing the Soisson family. rue gouverneur 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou
Château des Vaux PARK AND GARDEN Château constructed in the 19th century and renovated by the Marquis d'Aligre with the intention of making it the most luxurious house in the region.... Château des Vaux CS 90002 28240 Saint-Maurice-Saint-Germain